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Filtered by tag ('funny and quirky')

Dog-a-likes: Pets Who Look Like Their Owners

  by danielle on 22 Mar 2017 |
It is often said pets look like their owners. According to science, it may actually be true. Psychology professor at the University of British Columbia, Stanly Coren suggests people are drawn to the familiar – and for that reason, are drawn to our ...

Reading With Rover

  by danielle on 22 Mar 2017 |
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The Reading with Rover program involves dogs in the quest to help children with reading difficulties improve their liter...

10 Reasons Your Dog is Your BFF

  by michelle on 21 Mar 2017 |
BFF = Best Friend Furever 1. You talk at least once a day, even if just to say hi. Image credit   2. You can act you...

25 Cat Friendly Dogs

  by jaime on 21 Mar 2017 |
Chalk and cheese, night and day, hot and cold. All famous opposites, but none are as well knows as the dog and the cat. Believed the world over to be arch-enemies and never to be left in the same room as one another. But few people know that behind t...

8 Pets Who Are Star Wars Look-a-Likes

  by simone on 21 Mar 2017 |
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In a galaxy far far away these pets could be film icons...   The Star Wars films are modern classics, but did George L...

11 First World Problems for Cats

  by simone on 21 Mar 2017 |
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Image Credit You may think that cats have a carefree existence eating, playing and sleeping. But they have problems too...

10 Cats With Sweet Rides

  by michelle on 21 Mar 2017 |
1. Nothing to see here people. Just a cat riding a ram. Image credit   2. "She may not be the fastest, but she gets me where I need to go." Image credit 3. See you later skater! Image credit 4. Roomba cat goes Vroom Vroom!   Image cre...

Dogs On Deployment

  by michelle on 21 Mar 2017 |
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If you're a dog lover, you've most likely watched several videos of military members reuniting with their dogs after mon...

16 Cats and Dogs Ready For Bikini Season

  by michelle on 21 Mar 2017 |
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1. "Herrrrrroooo summer!"   image credit 2. "Bikini pose? Check."   image credit   3. "Life is better by the po...

WATCH: So, So Many Rabbits At Rabbit Island

  by alexandra on 09 Mar 2015 |
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        Forget Cat Island- Rabbit Island in Okunoskima, Japan is the latest tourist destination that animal lovers are swarming to. The island is overrun with adorable wild rabbits who hop about the forests, streets and love tourists because tourists te...
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